Monday, August 20, 2012

Wanted: Encouragement

June 29, 2011

           After my first and traumatic experience trying to be a runner, I thought that I would quit. I have limped around for about 2 weeks with my ankle hurting worse than my knee, go figure! But people asked me why I was limping, and I found that I was proud to say that I injured myself running. Ordinarily clumsiness would not be a virtue, but the fact that I was able to tell people I had begun running made it worth it.

So on May 25, I was back at it, but this time on a track. Generally, tracks are pretty safe. There are no potholes, tree roots, or dogs jumping in front of you, and best of all it is flat.

The junior high school my son goes to is about a half mile away; I think. So I have been using the walk to and from the track as a warm up and cool down. I am still walking some, but I run a little more each day. My total distance on the track is 1.25 miles. Not impressive at all, especially since part of that is walking. But I am getting better.

My stepson Patrick likes to go running with me. I shouldn’t be happy about this, but the first time he went running with me, he worked so hard trying to keep up that he made himself throw up. Yes, I have been run/walking for about a month now, but I assumed that his age alone would make him a better runner.

I am going to enjoy this short-lived pleasure because I know he will be lapping me very soon, so don’t judge. I found a great website that helps me keep track of my progress- I can log in my distance, time, route, and how I felt and I’ve set it to automatically update to Facebook. I realize I am blowing up some of my friend’s newsfeeds, but the comments and suggestions I get are so valuable to me.

I have even made a new online friend, Melisssa. She lives in Columbus, Ohio. Melissa just saw my profile on the website and asked to become my friend. She continously gives me and many others across the country positive feedback. I hope to be befriend others and give them the same encouragement as she does.

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